Ashley Grey



Looking through the lens of a pair of binoculars can be such fun and feels so different when compared to our natural eyes. Images are sharper and magnified.  We might experience beauty, ugliness, pleasure or pain at such times.


We tend to make judgements by the external. Mistakes and weaknesses may be magnified through the lenses we use.

looking through a lens

“The people are giants. We were like grasshoppers in our eyes and their eyes”

The Ten

This conclusion cost the ten scouts an inheritance. They saw themselves as unfit to possess a good land through their looking glass. However, two scouts, Caleb and Joshua, quite unlike the ten, thought they could take the land and did so.

We all have to look and draw conclusions from the images we see. Letting the glass define us though may be sort of like one letting a bird build a nest in one’s hair just because the bird is hovering there. Sure, we can make assessments about accomplishments or the lack thereof through various lenses.  Of course! But are the images that we see really the way they appear to be? Or are they magnified, making us feel beaten and wounded like the ten?

Looking through the lens and making judgements from images we see can change the course of our lives.

Caleb and Joshua inspire. We can learn to look through God’s lens like they did. It is a process, isn’t it?

It helps to learn purpose as you will see in OF LABELS, LIMITS AND WRONG BUSES

Or maybe read about the twelve scouts here

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