Ashley Grey

It is in a Book!

It is in a Book!

It is in a book. That which you seek! If you have the drive to seek it.
There’s often an answer in the fine print and a lot of learning in belles-lettres.

It is in a book.

It is in a book.

For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to unique literary styles and expressions. I read dictionaries and encyclopedias too when I was quite young. Yeah! I know! Nerdy stuff! I was curious about words and how to use them correctly. I still am!
Some words are unusual.

Art, stories about love, faith and adventure helped shape my world.

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”

Jorge Luis Borges

Well put, Jorge!

All that was stored will have to come out in time, right?

I truly enjoy writing. No surprise there! Maybe, because the things that take our attention, eventually manifest. Good or bad. One can only hope that it is the good always.

Books Tell Them All!

There are funny logs
We lol.
Some tell of cultures,
Dreams, stories, strategies, wars,
Books tell them all.

There are creative essays
Crafts, talents, skills shared.
Learning preserved.
Aye! Books are here to stay.

There are periodicals
Of legends, survivals.
Literature of successions. 
Plans botched or bagged
Books tell them all.
it is in a book and they come in different hues.

books come in hues

Books show the way.

The Bible Inspires me and I am glad to be able to read it. That counts. It is a whole new and different experience.

What do you seek? It is in a Book.

Speaking of books, do you want to read about Lyn and how she redirects her thoughts to beauty? Then click HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? It is a short post too. Just how you like it, huh?


Yes! Books seldom ever lacks an answer. Books are heaven’s second best gift to mankind. I say second because, as a man of faith myself, salvation comes in first place.

Books show no bias. Big or small, young or old, rich or poor. If you choose to open one, it interacts with you.

Thank you for this inspiring piece.

Yes! Its all about the power of the word and the world in your head! You have the power to create your own world and to speak out what should and should not be! Books help to accumulate thoughts and inspire a better world. Well put, Ashley Grey!

Yeah! I also loved reading from a very young age and it helped influence my life positively in a lot of ways. A love for reading is also closely related to love for writing.
Thanks for sharing.

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