Ashley Grey



There is a method in the madness. This is an expression to mean there is a good reason for a plan or an action even though they may seem foolish or strange at first. In the story of creation in Genesis, God called forth light from darkness. It may seem a little strange to call light and beauty from darkness and nothingness, doesn’t it? No drama or running around or other complicated steps. Just calling forth life into existence and we have this vast expanse of creation.  

No wonder, the Bible rightly describes God as the master builder and instructs us to be fruitful. Indeed, we can be when we have the God-nature in us to call the light from the dark places. Oh, what a privilege it is to co-create with God!

George is who you might call a garbage collector. He speaks with a nice British accent and collects leftover food from restaurants to make compost. Beautiful plants and flowers grow from the compost and make our world a more beautiful and livable place. You could never tell just by looking that George has acquired great wealth and owns condos and a restaurant chain.
He creates beauty from waste. The method in the madness? Garbage stinks! Want to volunteer for a few hours some day and maybe learn to recycle? Oh well, I digress, but still…


Is it difficult to see beauty in chaos right now?

There is a method in the madness and the ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan.

white swans

The ugly duckling became a beautiful, white swan. Read the full story or watch the video here. The Macaw is flying. It is not an ostrich. Flying is in its DNA.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will guide you with My eye.
Do not be like the horse or like the mule,
Which have no understanding…Psalms 32:8-9 NKJV

 Idioms are charming ways of expression. Want to find out more? Click LANGUAGE AND IDIOMS.

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