Ashley Grey


What if I could tell the future? I guess I would know the decisions to make today that will lead to desired outcomes in life. I would learn from the mistakes of others, make fewer mistakes and live the best life possible as a result.I would know why some people accomplish much way earlier than others. Hmm! Now that is a thought for another day. Sometimes, I take a walk to people-watch. It is such fun to watch people on these walks. Some faces have a smile. (I like that) Others are serious (well, there’s a time for everything eh?)Makes me think everyone is on a journey, seeking the finer things of life and to do incredible things! I have experienced a bit of life’s fine things, learning, being my best self, embracing and growing in my femininity. Still I want more. Is that bad?Being ‘hungry’ can be a good…

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What a heart-warming experience it is to hear of mistakes with happy endings and even a powerful finish! This is especially so when it is unexpected. Usually, we feel badly about errors and wish we could undo them. I hope this post causes you and I to see past our errors and to keep going. Errors aren’t always lousy. Some are beneficial and didactic! Others might even make one famous. Talk about grace! Some mistakes with a powerful finish Tsarina Maria Feodorovna. You probably never heard of her until now. Neither had I prior to this story. She is said to have saved a life when she changed what had been written against a name on a list of supposed criminals and traitors. “Pardon impossible, to send to Siberia.” Tsarina Maria had changed the expression to “Pardon, impossible to send to Siberia”. She saved a life by switching up commas.…

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Fishing Community, Accra

Three bricklayers were asked what they were doing as they tried to rebuild a church that had been gutted by fire. The first replied, “I am laying bricks.” The second responded with, “I am repairing a wall.”The third answered, “I am building a cathedral.”  That last response! Enthusiasm shines through those words. He already saw the beauty they would create and bricklaying did not seem like work anymore. Talk about goals! Ever watched children playing outdoors? Do you feel their passion and energy in the way they engage one another? Makes me think I never want to do anything I am not excited about.That may just be the way to live life sustainably. Happy people tend to live longer. Yes? Are you able to mix passion, enthusiasm and work?  Quite the skill to have right there and yes, perspective is everything. Selah! Ah, Reuben? A housemate’s cat and you should see…

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  The story is told of a king who placed a boulder right in the middle of a street and watched out of sight to see who would move it out of the way.  Some people walked around it complaining about the king’s failure to maintain roads well.  He watched as a man came along and moved the boulder. It took him a while but he did and now others could walk freely too. He was rewarded when he found a bag stuffed full of treasure where the boulder had been. The king had placed the reward there. Often, opportunity is masked as a challenge. Will we find it?Helping others makes us happy. Does compassion drive it? Bees work twenty-four hours, seven days a week with out sleeping or resting. They have a short lifespan of just three months.  They are really making the most of the life they have…

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The story of Helen Keller is inspiring. She had lost her sight and hearing due to a childhood illness and for a minute, it must have seemed like all is lost. In spite of this overwhelming state, she learned to understand and communicate with the world around her as well as acquire excellent education. Her parents had hired an extraordinary teacher. Parents, teachers and mentors have a huge responsibility it seems. Helen Keller became an author and was widely esteemed for her work. For many she had become a symbol of the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. Now I think, it is possible to live the dream and overcome adversity through learning. To give up is easy, but I would be curious to know what I could achieve by not giving up.So I seek to understand, learn, create and pursue excellence. Great stories often had humble beginnings.At the…

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I am intrigued by King Solomon.  Here was a king with power, fame, wisdom and a good lineage.  The queen of Sheba visited him and observed that his workers, numerous in number, I imagine were happy. Wow!  That says a lot about the character of the man and he had influence with God too. Amazing! Makes me think indeed, great wealth is divine and a perfect fusion of the natural and the supernatural.  Just like his father David before him, Solomon had it all. Then he lost it all and an inheritance from past generation is also lost. Someone dropped the ball. Where did Solomon miss it? He was warned of this happening to be honest. (1 Kings 11) His relationships, diverse and eclectic, became distractions and turned his heart away from what mattered most.  The heart is where it all starts, right?  A wise man (or maybe a woman?)…

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  John (not real name} was taken hostage for 163 days while serving as a missionary abroad.  He survived four wars, three accidents, two food poisoning attempts and an assassination attempt on his life. Now I think aside from the banging, ultra-cool scars many survivors have, they also possess special qualities that help them live life.  Surely, emotional intelligence is one such quality. It takes emotional intelligence to process feelings appropriately to stay alive.   How about courage, the will to live and the God factor? Oh yeah!  Really, it is easy to become bitter after surviving cunning and competitive folks. Try to not do that.  Maybe get help?  Attempting to live again begins with a positive attitude, self-love and great wit  and these are additional survival qualities to possess. Life may be swings and slides. My wish though is that we stay “swinging” for longer. Dare to think like a…

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Ashley & Grey C.E.O Image

  I hear Phil Collins’ Both Sides of the Story. ‘We need to hear both sides of the story’, he sings. There’s more than one side to the story. Your side, the other side and maybe a third side.Why do we need to hear all the sides? Perhaps to make informed decisions? Then again, it is a special feeling to tell your side and be heard.  The story of the elephant and the six blind men may be humorous but is a reflection of life. Each blind man telling a part of the story from their perception of an elephant. Each story making a complete picture that helps our understanding of a magnificent creature. We see things in part and sometimes need help to fully grasp the whole picture. Asking critical questions can bring out whole new perspectives and a balanced view. Who has power in this situation?Are there biased views?…

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 Words have always held a fascination for me especially when they are used creatively. Idioms are charming and give character to words when used correctly. Some idioms are regional, and only locals understand them easily. There are popular, humorous and serious idioms and maybe we can use them more frequently to express thoughts uniquely? A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS. This is popular, and a way to ask what someone who is lost in thought, is thinking about. ON YER BIKE.This is regional and often a disrespectful way to tell someone to go away. AL FRESCO A way of saying “outside”We ate al fresco under the olive trees.This is quite a striking way to say ‘we ate outside’. Yes? AN AMBULANCE CHASERA lawyer who finds work by persuading people that are injured in an accident to ask for money from the people who caused the injury is an ambulance chaser.John makes…

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