Ashley Grey


travel experience

Hacks deliver the best experiences and these 8 tested hacks for the best travel experience are worth remembering as they save precious time and money and make a trip memorable in a pleasant way. That said, I must add that a great attitude makes for a great travel experience.Someone shared a story some time ago about taking a trip on a public bus and described the experience as “the bumpiest and most bizarre journey of my life.” Chickens strolling casually and nibbling toes, goats strapped on the roof of the bus, and the driver playing an ABBA tune for 3 hours.Guess what! The storyteller loved the experience. What can I say? A great attitude goes a long way. Doesn’t it? By the way, taking public transportation is a good way to learn quick facts about the city you are visiting. It takes some courage though because you never know what…

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Real experiences: how to create your happy workplace

Looking to create a happy workplace? We need more than ever to learn how to create a happy workspace in order to be more productive, and what better way to learn than from real stories of people at work? The workplace can be both a dream workplace and a productive one too, right? Like me do you wonder why some people work at a place for so many years? Some as long as 15 or more years. Pretty long, huh? Perhaps, they learned to recognize a potentially toxic environment like the one described here. Hmm! Let’s dive into the subject of this post, shall we? Real experiences to help create a happy workspace Manny says “Friendly colleagues, stop to smile and say hi! My input counts. Successes are acknowledged, and even when something goes south, there isn’t any yelling or unpleasantness. These make me look forward to going to work.…

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Accra Coconut Festival:

The International Coconut Festival taking place in Accra is indeed off to a good start. I was not quite sure what to expect. Perhaps, an unlimited supply of coconut food. Sure! Maybe floats made from coconut husks? We’ll see! A coconut festival should mean a fresh, creamy, delightful experience with juicy coconuts. Right! That was good enough for me. The coconut festival idea is intriguing. Also, I get excited about subjects that inspire green, and organic living, so, I went to check out the event. Nuts for the coconuts! There weren’t any floats of coconut pods. One can only hope, yes? Attendance was good though. There was learning. There are huge dividends to investing in the coconut industry because of the versatile nature of the fruit. Not to mention the different species and varieties available. We get oil, water, and milk, and make smoothies from the fruit. The list of…

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Top 5 Air Travel Facts That Offer Comfort

Knowledge is power in air travel. Facts help to keep anxious thoughts at bay.  Most of us tend to be wary of the unknown and things we don’t understand or control. The fear of heights, strange midair noise, fear of heights, germs, and viruses, and being in such an enclosed space as an aircraft for many hours can cause distress. Aviophobia, yes, there’s a name for it, is the fear of flying. In this post, I share five air travel facts that offer some comfort about flying. Let’s get right in, shall we? #1.  Airplanes have come a long way. They used to look like this. Airplanes have come a long way. Now they are sleek, built tough, and capable of so much more like withstanding the impact of lightning strikes and turbulence. #2. Rigorous flight tests are conducted to determine flight worthiness. Test pilots get to do impressive stuff…

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Where can I find kefir?

Where can I find kefir or kefir grains? For the love of the nutrition that’s in kefir, I’d climb Afadjato again. Er! Not really. That mountain hiking experience was grueling and you can read about it here. But, hopefully, you get my point about how I hold nourishment in high regard. Sure, yogurt is great but if there’s something more nourishing out there like kefir, I’d go for it. Sort of give yogurt a rest. Eating should be an adventure too, I dare say. So, where can I find kefir grains in Accra to make kefir? Jack Sprat could eat no fat. His wife could eat no lean. And so between them both, you see, They licked the platter clean. Nice nursery rhyme about a couple’s eating tradition there! They don’t seem that adventurous with meals, do they? Do I digress? What’s the deal with Kefir and where can I…

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how to be amazing: the no shame uncommon life.

How to be amazing, live an uncommon life, and have no cause to be ashamed, is something isn’t it? Each day presents hopes as well as challenges! A preacher once remarked about a certain widow, who dismissed what she had by saying “I have nothing except this jar of oil.”  Well, guess what? That jar of oil multiplied. The best part was the averted shame and disgrace from lack. Want to read the full story here? Indeed, our thoughts and the glass through which we look matter. We can live our best lives in spite of our fears or crippling thoughts. In this post, I share a social worker’s perspective about living an uncommon life. Maybe we can learn to walk or stay on the path to the no BS, fulfilling life that we seek. Well, let’s get to it, shall we? A Fulfilled Life? “You only live once, but…

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Blogging and business growth

I began blogging to share my thoughts, express stuff I am passionate about as succinctly as possible, and hopefully, inspire readers to be free, happy, and successful. It’s been over a year. Going on two since my first post. I have learned a few things on the journey and I share them with you. So, let’s dive in, shall we? blogging is nurturing The HitsI learned about hits and look out for them. Sometimes, the numbers go up. Other times, not so much and may lead to self-doubt from wanting more traffic. But a growth process is visible. I see growth in the lows and highs and I think this is good, which leads me to the next lesson I learned. Blogging will make one patient. It takes patience and some planning to enjoy the rewards of blogging; in the process, you learn patience. Farmers understand nurturing to fruition and…

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a walk along the Butre beach

Cape Three Points has to be Ghana’s best hidden yet striking getaway destination. It is a dream location for the off-grid enthusiast, a backpacker’s haven, and perfect for escaping the pressures of city life. So, we made plans to explore Butre beach as well, on our way to the scenic Cape Three Points, located in the Western region. Butre village because a housemate wouldn’t stop about how serene, calm and undisturbed Butre beach is.  Serene and calm is great. We set off from Osu to Takoradi. The only way to get to Cape Three Points from Takoradi is to drive. Taxis and Tro-tros are available at Agona, another suburb close to Takoradi.  I would suggest making firm arrangements to drive to your accommodation if you plan to spend the night like we did, so you do not have to walk from the last taxi stop in the village. The long…

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pretty toys in a toy store

See that pretty toy in a store full of toys? It sits pretty and hopeful that it will be selected from the lot. Taken out of the store to a new home, maybe?! Be relevant? Yeah! To give pleasant experiences to a child some day soon. Make a dream come true. That’s how the designer intended things to be. Yes? pretty toys in a store It needs a battery though. Little toys, big toys, not-so-big toys, batteries power them all. “For without me, you can do nothing.” We want to be powered, to remain relevant. Leave footprints on the sands of time. Feel content and rewarded. Note how the battery that powers the toy is often unseen? Yet, without this, the toy just sits, looking pretty but unfulfilled. The battery, the inner voice, the intuition, if you will, though unseen, keeps things running effortlessly. Almost!Isn’t this the ultimate experience? Autopilot…

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