Ashley Grey


winners don't let their struggles hold them back.

Winners have their struggles too but what they don’t do is let these obstacles hold them back. They persist and are rewarded. There’s the river wide holding many secrets and presenting twists and turns. Big boats, small boats, not so small boats. They all navigating the wide expanse of water. The river wide One boat Wilhelmina, so little and painted white stands out among the lot. The river might seem overwhelming for petite Wilhelmina to thrive as the waves rock her from side to side but she does not give up making life on water a fun experience. If she could talk, she would most likely have compelling stories to tell. Tales of near misses, travails, triumphs, and how the cuts and scars on her sides happened. What interesting tales they’d be! No doubt. Perhaps, even reminding us to reflect and appreciate our wins and accomplishments, right? . As with…

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There is a method in the madness. This is an expression to mean there is a good reason for a plan or an action even though they may seem foolish or strange at first. In the story of creation in Genesis, God called forth light from darkness. It may seem a little strange to call light and beauty from darkness and nothingness, doesn’t it? No drama or running around or other complicated steps. Just calling forth life into existence and we have this vast expanse of creation.   No wonder, the Bible rightly describes God as the master builder and instructs us to be fruitful. Indeed, we can be when we have the God-nature in us to call the light from the dark places. Oh, what a privilege it is to co-create with God! George is who you might call a garbage collector. He speaks with a nice British accent…

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We all want to know who’s winning at a game we find interesting. We all have our battles. Whether we win or lose may largely be due to activities behind the scenes. The story of Israel in 1 Samuel chapters 4 and 5 comes to mind. They had won battles, conquered armies and had quite a reputation as a result. So reading the account about their resounding defeat from the Philistine army was tough. Thousands lay dead. When one suffers, do we not all suffer since we are all connected in the great circle of life? What had gone wrong then? Had Israel taken victory for granted or is this just a case of “bad” stuff happening to “good” people? There didn’t seem to be any apparent reason for the loss. So, it may be in what is not easily seen. Had God deserted them? Reading further, we discover that…

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“A promise is a cloud, fulfillment is rain” is an Arabian proverb which just about sums up my thoughts on promises and keeping them. A promise is like an oath or a pledge to do or make something happen. A basis for expectation grows as soon as we make one. Promises are stronger than mere words, which is why we should keep promises when we make them. In the story of The Pied Piper of Hamelin we read about broken promises. Click here to read the full story. “I Thirst” narrates a promise fulfilled at great cost. The narrator feels just as thirsty while watching. Standing in the hot African sun My flesh feels the intense burn No respite from the angry glow This soda would offer hope. I take a sip Sweet, but I thirst still Ruthless in its brilliance I feel helpless against this radiance. A crown of…

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Work is not simply fulfilling duties, is it? There seems to be more. Ivan is a famous chef. He thought he might share his culinary passion with his young son, who seemed to delight in his dad’s cordon bleu cooking. It would be a good bonding experience, he thought, and his son might learn about work at the same time. Then, one day, they had several men over for beers and a sandwich. Ivan gave his son Pete strict instructions, adding that a line cook is like a robot. Meals are to be perfect each time. Well, Pete slipped up. One of the sandwiches was burned. Asked how he could have allowed that slip up, Pete replied that the food was free. Why did it matter? Taking his son aside, Ivan told him that he is great at this- cooking, and touched lives simultaneously on the job. So he could…

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“Am I my brother’s keeper?” was the comeback from Cain after God asked him about his brother Abel in the Genesis Chapter 4 Bible story. Maybe Cain didn’t understand just how connected we all are in the circle of life. yellow rose So, it is nice to know that we have today to celebrate people all over the world that are living with disabilities, a subject that is still taboo in some circles.  This post has more details on the sensitive subject of disability. By the way, some are not easily discernible. Mental illness, chronic pain/fatigue, diabetes, brain injury and sight/hearing impairment are just a few. Justin has a business degree and has experience in business. At some point in his life, he feared he might be going deaf. He also suffered from ADHD and remembers being cruelly mocked for this condition. The taunts increased the chance of losing his…

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Sophie’s choice! A phrase that seems innocent enough. But is it? We use it so often without real thought to the story behind the phrase. I have always loved the name Sophie. Sometimes spelled Sofia or Sophia. It has a nice meaning too as far as I know. Wisdom!  So wisdom’s choice! How about that! Sophie’s choice began with a story about a woman named Sophie who had to choose between two terrible offers. Afterwards, she couldn’t live with her decision and committed suicide.  Click here for the full story. Her story bothered me. To have to make a choice when neither proposition is pleasant can be tough. What do we do at such moments? Now, seems like a good time to pray, “lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.” Right? The woods Hard to say if Sophie could have done differently at the time. We have…

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Looking through the lens of a pair of binoculars can be such fun and feels so different when compared to our natural eyes. Images are sharper and magnified.  We might experience beauty, ugliness, pleasure or pain at such times. JUDGING THROUGH A LENS We tend to make judgements by the external. Mistakes and weaknesses may be magnified through the lenses we use. “The people are giants. We were like grasshoppers in our eyes and their eyes” The Ten This conclusion cost the ten scouts an inheritance. They saw themselves as unfit to possess a good land through their looking glass. However, two scouts, Caleb and Joshua, quite unlike the ten, thought they could take the land and did so. We all have to look and draw conclusions from the images we see. Letting the glass define us though may be sort of like one letting a bird build a nest…

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Big doors, boatloads! The dismal expression Fissure of nervous tension Crossroads! Dreams unhinged? What do you see? What say ye? Now, a creek up a ways And down a ways Soft light in a dark and long tunnel Little waves soon a big one. Big door Hummel Turned by a small hinge. To big doors and small hinges and what we might learn from them! This poem celebrates how the little things might add up and one year of blogging. Yay! First of all, time goes by really fast, doesn’t it? I can remember the first post. Of course! I am thankful to have come this far and I feel like I achieved a milestone. Quotes How awesome to note that big doors turn on small hinges! It does not matter how sturdy the doors might be. They turn on little hinges. Seems a little crazy to imagine, I dare…

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