Ashley Grey

Tag Archives: events

travel experience

Hacks deliver the best experiences and these 8 tested hacks for the best travel experience are worth remembering as they save precious time and money and make a trip memorable in a pleasant way. That said, I must add that a great attitude makes for a great travel experience.Someone shared a story some time ago about taking a trip on a public bus and described the experience as “the bumpiest and most bizarre journey of my life.” Chickens strolling casually and nibbling toes, goats strapped on the roof of the bus, and the driver playing an ABBA tune for 3 hours.Guess what! The storyteller loved the experience. What can I say? A great attitude goes a long way. Doesn’t it? By the way, taking public transportation is a good way to learn quick facts about the city you are visiting. It takes some courage though because you never know what…

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“Come chop” broken English for “come eat” were the words on the invite. That sounds great I thought. Food is satisfying especially with the right company.  Surprise! It was a birthday too. While this was a fun experience with siblings Yomi and Fehinti, not sure the 200 or so men who attended Absalom’s party so many years ago can say the same. They probably thought it would be fun hanging out with a prince. Instead it was a mess. His intentions were bad and you can read all about it here. chop The company doesn’t have to be a big name to have a good time. In fact, one can have trouble as guest of a big boss, like we see with this prince. Maybe, there’s a thing with 200?! David’s 200 joined the victory party. It was not a trap even when they had been weary from fighting. Grace…

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“A promise is a cloud, fulfillment is rain” is an Arabian proverb which just about sums up my thoughts on promises and keeping them. A promise is like an oath or a pledge to do or make something happen. A basis for expectation grows as soon as we make one. Promises are stronger than mere words, which is why we should keep promises when we make them. In the story of The Pied Piper of Hamelin we read about broken promises. Click here to read the full story. “I Thirst” narrates a promise fulfilled at great cost. The narrator feels just as thirsty while watching. Standing in the hot African sun My flesh feels the intense burn No respite from the angry glow This soda would offer hope. I take a sip Sweet, but I thirst still Ruthless in its brilliance I feel helpless against this radiance. A crown of…

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