Rough Winds Do Shake!
“Rough winds do shake” is a quote from William Shakespeare’s Sonnets. “…Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:…So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this and this gives life to thee.” “All’s well that ends well.” “I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.” Can you believe William Shakespeare?! Smoking or what! Okay, I got all excited for a minute there! Let’s get to the post of the day. Shall we? Something struck me about this story of Jesus’ disciples out at sea. They were making headway painfully because the wind was against them. Rough winds do shake things up a bit, right? So, we read that, Jesus did come to sea but was going to pass by them. Not until they cried out, did He get on…
Bible jesus nature perspectives quotes stories williamshakespeare wind
God has various names in many languages and cultures and it seems like men have since known of a supreme being in creation, not so? To Moses and the children of Israel, He introduced Himself as I AM with signs and mighty acts. Jonah discovered that he could not hide from God, after three days and nights in the belly of a fish in the deep. He is ever present! “To whom will you liken me and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be alike?” Isaiah 46:5 The Gideon’s Bible. Wise men from the east saw the star. It was a sign to them that a King was born, and no ordinary King this was. So, they followed the star to seek out and worship. If we look, perhaps, we can find His footprints in creation. In landscapes so gorgeous, roaring seas, winds, trees, fields, flowers, wild…
It was sunny weather, calm seas and an excellent day to go sailing, our small group of six noted as we got set. We felt lucky. Almost, like heaven was smiling down at us. This was going to be an unforgettable experience, we all agreed. It was special right from the moment the sailing club folks invited us to celebrate their fourteenth anniversary. An all-expenses paid trip. Dreamy or what! It was the perfect vessel too. White and elegant, the power of the wind in her sails, a majestic feat of engineering. The interior was just as impressive and flawless. White leather and mahogany finishing. What’s not to like! sailing “Sailing east, sailing west, sailing over the ocean…” There was dancing, fiercely-clear water to swim in, lots to eat and drink al fresco. We went hiking along quaint, seaside homes, picturesque landscapes and majestic cliffs that tell a history of…
adventure boats nature people sailing stories and perspectives
Winners Don’t Let Their Struggles Hold Them Back
Winners have their struggles too but what they don’t do is let these obstacles hold them back. They persist and are rewarded. There’s the river wide holding many secrets and presenting twists and turns. Big boats, small boats, not so small boats. They all navigating the wide expanse of water. The river wide One boat Wilhelmina, so little and painted white stands out among the lot. The river might seem overwhelming for petite Wilhelmina to thrive as the waves rock her from side to side but she does not give up making life on water a fun experience. If she could talk, she would most likely have compelling stories to tell. Tales of near misses, travails, triumphs, and how the cuts and scars on her sides happened. What interesting tales they’d be! No doubt. Perhaps, even reminding us to reflect and appreciate our wins and accomplishments, right? . As with…