Ashley Grey

Category Archives: events

Where can I find kefir?

Where can I find kefir or kefir grains? For the love of the nutrition that’s in kefir, I’d climb Afadjato again. Er! Not really. That mountain hiking experience was grueling and you can read about it here. But, hopefully, you get my point about how I hold nourishment in high regard. Sure, yogurt is great but if there’s something more nourishing out there like kefir, I’d go for it. Sort of give yogurt a rest. Eating should be an adventure too, I dare say. So, where can I find kefir grains in Accra to make kefir? Jack Sprat could eat no fat. His wife could eat no lean. And so between them both, you see, They licked the platter clean. Nice nursery rhyme about a couple’s eating tradition there! They don’t seem that adventurous with meals, do they? Do I digress? What’s the deal with Kefir and where can I…

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Accra Coconut Festival:

The International Coconut Festival taking place in Accra is indeed off to a good start. I was not quite sure what to expect. Perhaps, an unlimited supply of coconut food. Sure! Maybe floats made from coconut husks? We’ll see! A coconut festival should mean a fresh, creamy, delightful experience with juicy coconuts. Right! That was good enough for me. The coconut festival idea is intriguing. Also, I get excited about subjects that inspire green, and organic living, so, I went to check out the event. Nuts for the coconuts! There weren’t any floats of coconut pods. One can only hope, yes? Attendance was good though. There was learning. There are huge dividends to investing in the coconut industry because of the versatile nature of the fruit. Not to mention the different species and varieties available. We get oil, water, and milk, and make smoothies from the fruit. The list of…

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  Writing this on April Fools’ day, I cannot help but think about pranks.Some pranks are hilarious and good-natured. Others not so much. A classic prank is a friend getting into your phone and changing the language in settings. Yikes!   A dad heard his daughter scream from the garden. She was being chased by a bee. He ran and grabbed her. She felt him tense and relax.Then he said, “it is alright now. Bees do not sting twice.” The bee had stung him. That was not a prank. Lot tried to warn his sons-in-law of danger. The world as they knew it was going to be destroyed. Sadly, they supposed Lot was jesting. It was not a prank. ..and too late to rewrite the script. “Be Prepared” is a famous scout motto. It helps to be prepared to make the right call every time, and when all is said…

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  Tsarina Maria Feodorovna, you probably never heard of her until now, neither had yours truly prior to this story. She saved a life when she changed what had been written against a name on a list of supposed criminals and traitors. “Pardon impossible, to send to Siberia.”Maria had changed it to “Pardon, impossible to send to Siberia”. She saved a life by switching up commas. We all have gifts and can make a difference in our interactions. Best part is even the little acts of kindness go a long way. This month of March is special.    It is six months since starting this blog in September, 2020. It is both fun and a challenge to write and post every week. Super grateful for the opportunity to share experiences and I am thankful to you for coming along on this ride. So here’s a thought to mark March. Relax…

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I was ranting to my friend the day after a late evening walk. I wanted to see what night life was like on a Friday night after the lockdown had been lifted and bars had permission to open their doors to clients. I walked out around past 9pm just to see what folks were up to this Friday. I noticed that the couple of bars that were open had only a handful of customers, tops five. Others were closed. How could the operators stay in business? My walk took me to my favourite hangout place. Let us call it ‘The Cuban Hut’.  I meant to continue walking and taking in the moment as it was closed too, when I heard music from inside. I went round the back to see (usually we have Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba there) and found a few folks, less than ten including the deejay and…

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