Ashley Grey

Category Archives: people

  Words on a t-shirt, ‘the perfect life… see Paris and die’ inspired this post.  What is the perfect life?Perhaps, it is to experience Paris before dying. Or to always have everything go smoothly on the path to achieving excellence which would be really nice if it were always possible.But there are those sometimes pesky stops. For some, the perfect life may be quitting a dreary job, selling everything and riding off into the sunset to see where the road leads. Yet for others, being in a loving relationship is the perfect life. In a complex world, with flawed people, loving makes life and living extra special.  History has accounts of bravery and selfless acts of love. Some so extraordinary and sacrificial, we tell of them repeatedly. Just knowing that someone has your back is really special and comes close to perfection as we can get in an imperfect life.…

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  This post is inspired by a message. Every action has a likely outcome and it is necessary to put some thought to action.  The understanding I get is that we need to think about and understand plausible results of every action. It is also important to think through before acting. Is this always easy or possible though? We are limited as humans, right? Limited in knowledge. Not to mention the curves and twists life presents.  But we also have been given power of thought and resources to create the life that we want.  So I would ask, what kind of life do I want? What must I do differently? No one wants to be “stuck on stupid”. Like a river flowing through unpleasant rocks and chinks in its path stays on its course and creates the beauty we see, we want to stay on course. What more, life flows…

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We all probably know that unique child who can already swim, ride a horse and communicate eye to eye by the age of three. Right?  Well, Leonie while reaching out after a previous post, shared her experience with homeschooling. She takes her son along to meetings and business trips. They visit restaurants and interact with real animals. They go swimming, bicycling, horse riding, care for plants and shop for groceries.  He is exposed to a wide variety of subjects and at three, he is learning another language and is mature emotionally. Contact time is shared between both parents and is not overwhelming. Is homeschooling for everyone? Including career women? Leonie is a Personal Trainer and has her gym equipment at home. I suppose being an entrepreneur helps. Children learn constantly and are curious. They benefit the most from interacting with the world directly, the way no television, fancy toy or…

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At one point in my life, my goal was to learn to drive. I enjoyed watching boat races. Car races were fun too. It felt really good, still does, to be able to drive. Good drivers pay attention to the signs on the road to stay safe and keep others safe. Given time, good drivers even become excellent drivers. Well bad drivers, meet the Lord. Even if perhaps, they may have had bad instructors. Sigh! So how is driving like life? There are guidelines. One might need instructing, empowering and inspiration to be the best one can be. A thought comes to mind. Can instructions and being told you are wrong, feel life being judged sometimes? I think yes. One way to get around this could be to think. Would I rather know how I am doing now before meeting God? A well done feedback rather than the third degree…

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  Uncomfortable is defined as causing or feeling discomfort. The uncomfortable can present opportunity for growth. What is your uncomfortable that will make you become the brightest you can be?  Perhaps, the train and not the coach. Our beliefs and the choices we make stunt or propel growth. There are stories of missed opportunities, and of opportunities being seized. What is your uncomfortable that will make you the butterfly rather than the caterpillar?   What is my uncomfortable?   Regret at the twilight of life, because of a missed opportunity. Oh and an unhappy marriage. That would be hellish too. What inspires you to live your best life?  Do better, live better.   Find us on Telegram,

Well, who wants to be tedious and not have a vibrant personality? Have you at one time or another, been in the company of someone who left you miserable and dejected? Now, those are not feelings anyone wants to experience repeatedly. So it is safe to conclude that an interesting person is more fun to be around. To consider what makes a person interesting is in itself an interesting subject considering varying personality types. Can all personality types including introverts like yours truly be interesting? I find that interesting people share common traits. They are curious and learn about the world. They are unconventional, unusual, strange, if you will. They may have only a few friends but they are special. Now it takes courage to be different and to stand out. Interesting people delve deeply into a hobby. They pay attention to personal grooming. I think anyone can be interesting.…

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