Ashley Grey

Category Archives: words

It is in a book. That which you seek! If you have the drive to seek it. There’s often an answer in the fine print and a lot of learning in belles-lettres. It is in a book. For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to unique literary styles and expressions. I read dictionaries and encyclopedias too when I was quite young. Yeah! I know! Nerdy stuff! I was curious about words and how to use them correctly. I still am! Some words are unusual. Art, stories about love, faith and adventure helped shape my world. “I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” Jorge Luis Borges Well put, Jorge! All that was stored will have to come out in time, right? I truly enjoy writing. No surprise there! Maybe, because the things that take our attention, eventually manifest. Good or bad. One…

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Lexophile describes a person that is highly skilled with words.  Words are potent and evoke emotions. There are big words, small words, old words, new words, simple words, complicated words, annoying words, funny words and tongue-twisters. I want to share some that struck a chord. They are a play on words on countries, professions, food lovers, bookworms and humorous judges, and well, pun lovers can just gather here. I feel the authors of these puns that I share are geniuses of sorts. God bless ‘em.  Unfortunately, I do not have their names. I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me Acupuncture is a job well done. That’s the point of it   England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool I changed my iPod’s name to Titanic. It’s syncing now He had a photographic memory but it was…

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