Ashley Grey

Food for Thought

Food for Thought

Really this post should be about food, thoughts about food, but it is not. Instead it is about things to chew on and think about.  More a mental nourishment. Okay, maybe I can find a way to chip in something about food at the end. We’ll see!

Sarah is one of a kind. Just give her a date and she can tell you what she was wearing, what she ate or did on that day. Genius! Blessed with a photographic memory.

These are details we tend to forget because nothing eventful happened to trigger our brains to store and resuscitate such specifics. Have you met anyone like this?
Hopefully, people like Sarah should inspire us to make an effort to recall names of people we have met, right? I mean, it’s the least we can do. Oh, the loud silence when we run into them and can’t make introductions!
Experts, say repeating a name, right after you hear it helps us to remember it afterwards. For example, say, it is nice to meet you, Sukai, upon meeting. Saying the name is the trick. Are you good at remembering names and faces? What’s your secret?

food for thought!

food for thought

I got curious about the word “train” after seeing a couple of videos this week. So, I looked it up.  Words like direct, cultivate, contain, polish, prepare, show the way, drill, control (gasp), whip into shape, (double gasp) came up in the definition. Training up anything doesn’t sound appealing, I’d say. Training is not bullying though. There’s a thin line. Being guided by love helps one to not cross that line.

food for thought


This thought!

Think about gardening, raising children, rearing goats or coaching a football team. Get it right to rousing applause. Get it wrong and the world is off kilter. Misery all around. What is your position on training anything and how will you apply yourself? It is a daily and conscious effort. Emphasis on daily because the conditions are not always in the shape or form, we want. There may be a battle of wills. Toddlers do test their parents to see if they will yield or compromise. Lovely, aren’t they!

A Memo from Heaven

Conquer evil by doing good
Do not just pretend that you love others,
Really love them.

Hate what is wrong.
Stand on the side of good…
Never be lazy in your work but serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Be glad for all God is planning for you.
Be patient in trouble.

Don’t try to get into the good graces of important people,
But enjoy the company of ordinary folks.
And don’t think you know it all. 
                                                    -Author unknown
Thought for food

Thought for food

And thought for food!

I did say this post isn’t about food. The good stuff.
Turns out, I found this breakfast idea irresistible. It makes eating oats almost “phenomenal”. And I like you enough to share.

That will be all, folks! You might want to check out THE BARK AND THE BITE


Haha, of late l forget new names even before the introduction is complete. I guess our pre-occupations are just too much. When l am well relaxed, my memory is superb and l think l have to TRAIN myself to relax often.

Wow! You had many precious thoughts! In the end, it’s all ABOUT LOVE ! Love motivates, empowers, love enables, love gives you many little treasures to relish like little sweeties in your mouth, again and again! Let me share with you one of my sweeties l constantly suck on: “The Son is the DAZZLING radiance of God’s splendor, the exact expression of God’s true nature – His mirror image!…” Heb1:3 TPT

Thank you so much for reading and sharing one of your sweeties. The dazzling radiance of God’s splendor in His son…lightens the darkness too.
We are so blessed!

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