Ashley Grey

Tag Archives: short stories

Easily make an impression

To easily make an impression and stand out can be learned. It is not much fun to be just another writer, farmer, lifeguard, doctor, engineer, teacher, or chef. I’d rather keep learning and raising the bar. How about you? Now, I think of the Bible parable of talents in which three men each get talents to nurture. Two of them multiplied their talents while the third man buried his. Could he maybe have learned how to develop and put his talent to good use? Little Joe easily makes an impression and stands out in this short story. He wanted a special kind of ice cream and went to a cafĂ©. He learned how much it costs and paused to make a decision. The server was impatient as the shop was filling up with clients. Finally, he got service. While clearing up after the customers, the server swallowed hard as she…

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