Ashley Grey

Tag Archives: personality trait

A label is nice when one is looking to boost a brand or stand out from the competition. How about other times? Can labels be limiting? William may cheerfully greet a new neighbour. James may not even make eye contact with the new neighbour. William may get labelled as friendly or an extrovert while James is viewed as unfriendly or an introvert. Same situation, different expressions and perceptions. William and James expressing themselves differently, and get defined based on people’s perceptions. Rightly or wrongly! Through the years, like William and James could, we might believe perceptions and labels about us and repeat them often enough. “oh, I am squeamish,” one might say. Or “I have been described as finicky, and we typically put others down.” And like an eagle that does not soar, because it thinks it is a chicken, our wings are clipped, and not in a good way.A…

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So I took this personality test. If you are curious and wonder about quirky traits that we as humans tend to have, then you are in good company. Yours truly is curious too. After responding as truthfully as I possibly could to the questions, I got the result and details about my personality. Being described as “creative”, “idealist and doer” was sort of endearing.  Why dream and not follow through right?  I sort of wondered about the description “perfectionistic”. Isn’t that like a scenario where one might always be seeking to get things right every time? The expression “there is something rotten in Denmark” implies that an ideal situation is not always possible and mistakes happen. Now that might be worth remembering.  The personality test is fun to take and mostly accurate if you answer as truthfully as possible. Click the link below and maybe be pleasantly surprised at your…

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