Ashley Grey

Category Archives: language

A light bulb shines so bright, just before it burns out completely, doesn’t it?  Almost like, ensuring it uses up all its energy to create value in a blaze of glory. A blaze of glory implies a state of strength or high accolade surrounding a person or thing. “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up, it knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the lion or a gazelle-when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.” African proverb. It is difficult to establish the original author of this quote, (please do share in the comment section if you know) however, it is an interesting one. Like the lion and the gazelle, we have a chance to excel…

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There is a method in the madness. This is an expression to mean there is a good reason for a plan or an action even though they may seem foolish or strange at first. In the story of creation in Genesis, God called forth light from darkness. It may seem a little strange to call light and beauty from darkness and nothingness, doesn’t it? No drama or running around or other complicated steps. Just calling forth life into existence and we have this vast expanse of creation.   No wonder, the Bible rightly describes God as the master builder and instructs us to be fruitful. Indeed, we can be when we have the God-nature in us to call the light from the dark places. Oh, what a privilege it is to co-create with God! George is who you might call a garbage collector. He speaks with a nice British accent…

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Sophie’s choice! A phrase that seems innocent enough. But is it? We use it so often without real thought to the story behind the phrase. I have always loved the name Sophie. Sometimes spelled Sofia or Sophia. It has a nice meaning too as far as I know. Wisdom!  So wisdom’s choice! How about that! Sophie’s choice began with a story about a woman named Sophie who had to choose between two terrible offers. Afterwards, she couldn’t live with her decision and committed suicide.  Click here for the full story. Her story bothered me. To have to make a choice when neither proposition is pleasant can be tough. What do we do at such moments? Now, seems like a good time to pray, “lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.” Right? The woods Hard to say if Sophie could have done differently at the time. We have…

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 Words have always held a fascination for me especially when they are used creatively. Idioms are charming and give character to words when used correctly. Some idioms are regional, and only locals understand them easily. There are popular, humorous and serious idioms and maybe we can use them more frequently to express thoughts uniquely? A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS. This is popular, and a way to ask what someone who is lost in thought, is thinking about. ON YER BIKE.This is regional and often a disrespectful way to tell someone to go away. AL FRESCO A way of saying “outside”We ate al fresco under the olive trees.This is quite a striking way to say ‘we ate outside’. Yes? AN AMBULANCE CHASERA lawyer who finds work by persuading people that are injured in an accident to ask for money from the people who caused the injury is an ambulance chaser.John makes…

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