Ashley Grey

Category Archives: a promise kept

“A promise is a cloud, fulfillment is rain” is an Arabian proverb which just about sums up my thoughts on promises and keeping them. A promise is like an oath or a pledge to do or make something happen. A basis for expectation grows as soon as we make one. Promises are stronger than mere words, which is why we should keep promises when we make them. In the story of The Pied Piper of Hamelin we read about broken promises. Click here to read the full story. “I Thirst” narrates a promise fulfilled at great cost. The narrator feels just as thirsty while watching. Standing in the hot African sun My flesh feels the intense burn No respite from the angry glow This soda would offer hope. I take a sip Sweet, but I thirst still Ruthless in its brilliance I feel helpless against this radiance. A crown of…

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