Ashley Grey

Tag Archives: blogging

how to begin blogging: what the best bloggers know. image made with postermywall

Do you want to begin blogging and learn what the best bloggers know? Then you are in the right place and I am glad. Now, do I wish I knew some of these myself before I started? Oh yeah! Let’s get to it, shall we? How to begin a blog? Decide on the big idea to blog. This is an important step and may seem obvious. However, sometimes ideas are not always clear. At other times, they change, the more we learn. The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential has useful information to spark ideas. Also, consider using your interests and what you love learning about as a guide for what to blog about. Now, do not get too worried if you can’t decide on an idea. Sometimes, you have to get started to find your rhythm. Go ahead and be the blogster you dreamed of. Get a name.…

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Blogging and business growth

I began blogging to share my thoughts, express stuff I am passionate about as succinctly as possible, and hopefully, inspire readers to be free, happy, and successful. It’s been over a year. Going on two since my first post. I have learned a few things on the journey and I share them with you. So, let’s dive in, shall we? blogging is nurturing The HitsI learned about hits and look out for them. Sometimes, the numbers go up. Other times, not so much and may lead to self-doubt from wanting more traffic. But a growth process is visible. I see growth in the lows and highs and I think this is good, which leads me to the next lesson I learned. Blogging will make one patient. It takes patience and some planning to enjoy the rewards of blogging; in the process, you learn patience. Farmers understand nurturing to fruition and…

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