Ashley Grey

Tag Archives: jack-sprat

Where can I find kefir?

Where can I find kefir or kefir grains? For the love of the nutrition that’s in kefir, I’d climb Afadjato again. Er! Not really. That mountain hiking experience was grueling and you can read about it here. But, hopefully, you get my point about how I hold nourishment in high regard. Sure, yogurt is great but if there’s something more nourishing out there like kefir, I’d go for it. Sort of give yogurt a rest. Eating should be an adventure too, I dare say. So, where can I find kefir grains in Accra to make kefir? Jack Sprat could eat no fat. His wife could eat no lean. And so between them both, you see, They licked the platter clean. Nice nursery rhyme about a couple’s eating tradition there! They don’t seem that adventurous with meals, do they? Do I digress? What’s the deal with Kefir and where can I…

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