Ashley Grey

Tag Archives: jorgeluisborges

It is in a book. That which you seek! If you have the drive to seek it. There’s often an answer in the fine print and a lot of learning in belles-lettres. It is in a book. For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to unique literary styles and expressions. I read dictionaries and encyclopedias too when I was quite young. Yeah! I know! Nerdy stuff! I was curious about words and how to use them correctly. I still am! Some words are unusual. Art, stories about love, faith and adventure helped shape my world. “I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” Jorge Luis Borges Well put, Jorge! All that was stored will have to come out in time, right? I truly enjoy writing. No surprise there! Maybe, because the things that take our attention, eventually manifest. Good or bad. One…

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