Ashley Grey

Tag Archives: Bible story

A good story is engaging and I tell you about Naboth and Araunah, two men with different temperaments. Maybe, we will glean a thing or two from their tales. So let’s dive in, shall we? Naboth’s story Naboth had a vineyard beside the castle of a certain king named Ahab. The king needed the land to grow a vegetable garden (which had to be near his palace) and sought to meet Naboth. “I will give you a better vineyard or its value in money”, he promised. A generous offer, no? Naboth refused. God forbid, he gives the king the inheritance of his fathers, he said. In my head, I am thinking… “Really! Naboth, are you sure your fathers would not have wanted you to make the deal?” Long story short, King Ahab goes home to sulk. His wife learns why. We learn that Naboth is set up and killed. To…

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We all want to know who’s winning at a game we find interesting. We all have our battles. Whether we win or lose may largely be due to activities behind the scenes. The story of Israel in 1 Samuel chapters 4 and 5 comes to mind. They had won battles, conquered armies and had quite a reputation as a result. So reading the account about their resounding defeat from the Philistine army was tough. Thousands lay dead. When one suffers, do we not all suffer since we are all connected in the great circle of life? What had gone wrong then? Had Israel taken victory for granted or is this just a case of “bad” stuff happening to “good” people? There didn’t seem to be any apparent reason for the loss. So, it may be in what is not easily seen. Had God deserted them? Reading further, we discover that…

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