A Tale of Ten Thousand Euros
A tale of ten thousand euros is about winning. It all started with one child and a woman wishing to learn to read and write. A tale about winning The opportunity of teaching literacy skills, free of cost to learners, was a rewarding experience, and witnessing the transformation and confidence that comes with learning and mastery felt good. Soon, the class grew as girls of varying ages joined. There was a handful of boys, which, I suppose was alright too. The need for more resources to manage the growth was clear at this point. “Achievement is no hocus-pocus. It is focus, focus.” Ana C. Antunes So, we could try to seek out funding. A tale of winning I remember the email notification of a funding opportunity for art, education, and technology-based initiatives. To know that we met the requirements was reassuring. I also remember the excitement of knowing our application…
ana-antunes dreams euros funding learning literacy resources stories stories and perspectives tales tim-fargo winning
Dynamic and driven!
Dynamic, driven, achieving set goals and full of zest for living. Is there any other way to live? Simon amazed folks, great and small, with his magic. He was a rich and respected man in the community. Then one day, a certain Philip waltzed into town with a new and compelling message. Many including Simon, embraced this life-transforming message. Philip and his company demonstrated so much power, that Simon followed them around. Eventually, drawn to the power, Simon offered money for some of it. Perhaps, he was thinking about the “good, old days” in which he’d captured hearts and purses through magic performances. Perhaps, he could go back and make money? Isn’t it in the heart where things really start? “Down, tiger! Your heart is all wrong. What we offer is free. Freely we received.” just about sums up the response he got.See, Simon’s heart had slipped to the old…
living magic magician nurture Simon stories and perspectives
Out of Akosombo
Out of Akosombo and fond memories! The training venue was the Volta Hotel, less than two hours drive, from Accra, Ghana’s capital if traffic is light. Bags packed, we all looked forward to the travel experience especially as it meant being out of busy Accra for a few days. Besides, road trips can be such fun, yes? Images from the lake Checking in took a bit of time. Why did it take so long? They knew we were coming, right? Soon, it was dinner and surprise, it was the eat- all- you- can kind. A delightful spread to choose from. The food was consistently good all through our stay. The lake across was attention grabbing; not to mention the scenic landscape and majestic mountains. Finally, we all got our rooms. Nice and clean with luxurious sheets, waiting was not so bad after all. Seeing the drinking glasses wrapped in cling-film…
Akosombo boat ride Ghana stories and perspectives travel trips Volta Hotel
This is how I see it
How I see it, is a post about perceptions and impressions. How we might perceive events. Some perceptions are popular and may become stereotypes. Others, are not. That doesn’t mean they are wrong, though! Our environment does influence our perception and become culture or a way of life. how I see it John had cash to buy food. Problem was cash was unacceptable in grocery stores in his city. So the cashier wouldn’t accept cash. It was a long and lousy night for poor John. His is a culture that places systems above people. Rigid much? A widow sought justice from a judge. She wouldn’t quit though he dismissed her. This judge had a reputation. We learn that he neither feared God nor respected man. Eventually, he relented and granted her wish, saying to himself, this woman is going to weary me by her continual calling. What?? How I see…
impressions justice perceptions stories and perspectives widow
Easy does it, insert name. This expression, is a way of asking that a person proceeds carefully or take their time with something. Sort of like make haste slowly. Steadily complete a task with care and minimum injury. Hasty climbers have sudden falls, nor so? Easy does it! Could we apply this principle to work? A work culture of fewer work hours, high productivity and no burnouts? This may be a more sustainable way to work, I might add! It is worth noting too that less is more! EASY DOES IT, ‘ERE! Perpetual Guardian, an organization based in New Zealand, cut down working hours on a trial basis. Soon, the management observed a boost in productivity. Employees learned to prioritize and focus on tasks much better. They were happier because they could spend time away from work or with their families. Electricity cost reduced. A win-win situation. So the trial…
Charles Dickens idiom Laila Gifty Akita Mindy Kaling productivity quotes stories and perspectives time work
The dew on the ground at the perfect time is a life saver. Never mind that it wets our socks as we walk through fields in the morning. The drops are perfect for earth life. In some cultures, applying the drops to the face is a thing because of the belief that it can restore, rejuvenate and help retain youth. Life everywhere. “A great wheel turning.” “…morning dew, cheers for a time, but till the sun doth show; and straight is gone…” Samuel Daniel The tipping point! Lights blink. A discordant tune in the great circle of life? “Life is a delicate dance on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf. No prodigal be.” As the dew As the mist falls on the ground,Is a graceful garland for the head;And pendants for the neck.Alas! A capricious dayMorning dew is out! Seasons come and goLike droplets…
A good story is engaging and I tell you about Naboth and Araunah, two men with different temperaments. Maybe, we will glean a thing or two from their tales. So let’s dive in, shall we? Naboth’s story Naboth had a vineyard beside the castle of a certain king named Ahab. The king needed the land to grow a vegetable garden (which had to be near his palace) and sought to meet Naboth. “I will give you a better vineyard or its value in money”, he promised. A generous offer, no? Naboth refused. God forbid, he gives the king the inheritance of his fathers, he said. In my head, I am thinking… “Really! Naboth, are you sure your fathers would not have wanted you to make the deal?” Long story short, King Ahab goes home to sulk. His wife learns why. We learn that Naboth is set up and killed. To…
I hope that you would you leave a message for Maya to help her next steps after reading her story. She will be reading and learning. Maya couldn’t wait to start and felt lucky to be joining the workforce of this conglomerate. She knew she looked great in her new clothes as she entered the premises. Quite a few co-workers looked unhappy. Why? She wondered. This was the dream job. Plush finishing. Not to mention the contract that offered a sizable remuneration. A message to Maya The required two-month training was over. She was ready. There were team meetings and mentoring from senior people. It was interesting that everyone was expected to address others by their first name, no matter the age or position. It was different for her! Sometimes she heard comments about office politics and unfair reward systems. Still everything was great for now. One coworker had a…
What if we weren’t so afraid and took that chance? What if we were more loving? Perhaps, at some point in life, we have either asked or heard someone ask the what if question. In a certain town, so long ago, a prophet pretended hurt and proceeded to cover his eyes with a bandage. He felt he needed the disguise with the bandage to deliver a message to a certain Israelite king. So off he went with a sad tale of wounds and imminent death for failing to complete a task given to him. It was hectic during battle, and he was busy here and there he complained. The king countered with “as you have said, so shall the ruling be.” At this, the prophet hurriedly removed his disguise to be recognized. The prophet proclaimed that he, the king, was in fact the subject of the report and therefore, was…