Ashley Grey

Tag Archives: festival

Accra Coconut Festival:

The International Coconut Festival taking place in Accra is indeed off to a good start. I was not quite sure what to expect. Perhaps, an unlimited supply of coconut food. Sure! Maybe floats made from coconut husks? We’ll see! A coconut festival should mean a fresh, creamy, delightful experience with juicy coconuts. Right! That was good enough for me. The coconut festival idea is intriguing. Also, I get excited about subjects that inspire green, and organic living, so, I went to check out the event. Nuts for the coconuts! There weren’t any floats of coconut pods. One can only hope, yes? Attendance was good though. There was learning. There are huge dividends to investing in the coconut industry because of the versatile nature of the fruit. Not to mention the different species and varieties available. We get oil, water, and milk, and make smoothies from the fruit. The list of…

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the fishing festival

The fish festival to celebrate fishermen and fishmongers attracted a lot of visitors from far and wide to Accra. Fishermen have great skill considering the dangers they face out at sea to provide food. They deserve the celebration and recognition they get. There were exhibitions from various vendors during the two-day event and a fish market with seafood, and fish delicacies on display. One of the stands had a sizeable jar with a puffer fish in it on display. There was a warning about how poisonous this fish is. Quite impressive as I wasn’t expecting that. It was also a pleasant surprise to see flip-flops made from fish parts. Really creative work. There was learning about best practices, tips, and tricks for sustainable fishing. The discussions and presentations on protecting fish, the dangers of overfeeding them, weather challenges, and other adverse conditions that affect fish provided great insights. The energy…

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