Ashley Grey

Tag Archives: poem

The future of travel with technology

The future of travel! How might travel in the future be different with technology? Right from the beginning of time, getting around for work or recreation, has always been an integral part of human activity. With passing time, getting around is easier and faster. Still, we get impatient sometimes. The thrill of adventure, discovering new territories, and ways of living and we can’t wait to arrive at our destination and get started, right? How might technology impact future travel? Can travel get easier, quieter and faster? Oh yeah, if what I read in my feed about air taxis AKA flying cars is anything to go by. Also, intriguing to read about is the test run of the electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing aircraft (eVTOL) a few days ago. The “uber” travel experience in the skies.Ready? …And with all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7 The first car ride, what a…

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It is in a book. That which you seek! If you have the drive to seek it. There’s often an answer in the fine print and a lot of learning in belles-lettres. It is in a book. For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to unique literary styles and expressions. I read dictionaries and encyclopedias too when I was quite young. Yeah! I know! Nerdy stuff! I was curious about words and how to use them correctly. I still am! Some words are unusual. Art, stories about love, faith and adventure helped shape my world. “I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” Jorge Luis Borges Well put, Jorge! All that was stored will have to come out in time, right? I truly enjoy writing. No surprise there! Maybe, because the things that take our attention, eventually manifest. Good or bad. One…

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What if we weren’t so afraid and took that chance? What if we were more loving? Perhaps, at some point in life, we have either asked or heard someone ask the what if question. In a certain town, so long ago, a prophet pretended hurt and proceeded to cover his eyes with a bandage. He felt he needed the disguise with the bandage to deliver a message to a certain Israelite king. So off he went with a sad tale of wounds and imminent death for failing to complete a task given to him. It was hectic during battle, and he was busy here and there he complained.  The king countered with “as you have said, so shall the ruling be.” At this, the prophet hurriedly removed his disguise to be recognized. The prophet proclaimed that he, the king, was in fact the subject of the report and therefore, was…

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Big doors, boatloads! The dismal expression Fissure of nervous tension Crossroads! Dreams unhinged? What do you see? What say ye? Now, a creek up a ways And down a ways Soft light in a dark and long tunnel Little waves soon a big one. Big door Hummel Turned by a small hinge. To big doors and small hinges and what we might learn from them! This poem celebrates how the little things might add up and one year of blogging. Yay! First of all, time goes by really fast, doesn’t it? I can remember the first post. Of course! I am thankful to have come this far and I feel like I achieved a milestone. Quotes How awesome to note that big doors turn on small hinges! It does not matter how sturdy the doors might be. They turn on little hinges. Seems a little crazy to imagine, I dare…

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