How to Spend the Waiting Hours Before Check-in
Waiting to get checked – in at your reservation can be an unpleasant experience. Unless of course, you give some thought to how you are going to spend the waiting hours. Imagine you arrive at 5 a.m. at your destination but check-in isn’t until 3 p.m. What do you do during those hours? A vacationer wants to maximize those long hours in between to have a memorable travel experience, right? If you are like me, you can’t wait to see interesting places in the new city. But wait, you have luggage that can hinder getting around easily, and need to secure it before getting started. Usually, the hotel can secure your luggage. What if it is a distance you aren’t ready for yet and you’d much rather get started exploring? Having access to secure locker facilities with a PIN is great. Bravo! Luggage storage problems are solved! So, how to…
The Fish Festival in Accra
The fish festival to celebrate fishermen and fishmongers attracted a lot of visitors from far and wide to Accra. Fishermen have great skill considering the dangers they face out at sea to provide food. They deserve the celebration and recognition they get. There were exhibitions from various vendors during the two-day event and a fish market with seafood, and fish delicacies on display. One of the stands had a sizeable jar with a puffer fish in it on display. There was a warning about how poisonous this fish is. Quite impressive as I wasn’t expecting that. It was also a pleasant surprise to see flip-flops made from fish parts. Really creative work. There was learning about best practices, tips, and tricks for sustainable fishing. The discussions and presentations on protecting fish, the dangers of overfeeding them, weather challenges, and other adverse conditions that affect fish provided great insights. The energy…
The Future of Travel with Technology. Ready?
The future of travel! How might travel in the future be different with technology? Right from the beginning of time, getting around for work or recreation, has always been an integral part of human activity. With passing time, getting around is easier and faster. Still, we get impatient sometimes. The thrill of adventure, discovering new territories, and ways of living and we can’t wait to arrive at our destination and get started, right? How might technology impact future travel? Can travel get easier, quieter and faster? Oh yeah, if what I read in my feed about air taxis AKA flying cars is anything to go by. Also, intriguing to read about is the test run of the electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing aircraft (eVTOL) a few days ago. The “uber” travel experience in the skies.Ready? …And with all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7 The first car ride, what a…
10 Smart Expert Tips for Fun Road Trips
Experts advise smart tips for fun road trips and experiences. More so, during holidays, and festive seasons. Indeed, road travel can be fun when you have a reliable car and a flexible enough schedule to allow for stops at places of interest along the way. You want to create memories, enjoy life’s simple pleasures, and not feel like you have to rush all the time. Being alive is a gift, right? Right, let’s get to these smart tips for a fun road travel experience that experts agree on, shall we? #1. Have a professional check your car. You want to make sure the tires, engine, brakes, headlights, and turn signals are in good condition. To assume they are, and everything will be fine, is leaving things to chance and risking unpleasant experiences. Unpleasantness is what you want to avoid. True, we can’t control everything but we can try to lessen…
Air Travel: Best 5 Safety Facts That Offer Comfort
Knowledge is power in air travel. Facts help to keep anxious thoughts at bay. Most of us tend to be wary of the unknown and things we don’t understand or control. The fear of heights, strange midair noise, fear of heights, germs, and viruses, and being in such an enclosed space as an aircraft for many hours can cause distress. Aviophobia, yes, there’s a name for it, is the fear of flying. In this post, I share five air travel facts that offer some comfort about flying. Let’s get right in, shall we? #1. Airplanes have come a long way. They used to look like this. Airplanes have come a long way. Now they are sleek, built tough, and capable of so much more like withstanding the impact of lightning strikes and turbulence. #2. Rigorous flight tests are conducted to determine flight worthiness. Test pilots get to do impressive stuff…
Planning the Perfect Trip? Here Are 4 Proven Steps
Planning that perfect trip can be a fun, and rewarding experience too if everything goes as planned and there are no nasty surprises. A nasty surprise is finding out that a review is fake and a room had no window as the online photo suggested. The closed curtain when pulled back did not reveal a window. There was some construction work on the property. I could go on and on. But I think you get the point. Fake online reviews present a real challenge, don’t they? Most of us, depend on reviews to make buying decisions. The proven steps for planning the perfect dream vacation. Step 1. Watch out for vague descriptions and misleading imagery of holiday rentals. Fish-eye lens photography must be the “worst” as they often make an image look a lot nicer and more panoramic than in reality. Planning in a rush makes one miss these…