Ashley Grey

Category Archives: excursions

penguins in a mall aquarium.

Waiting to get checked – in at your reservation can be an unpleasant experience. Unless of course, you give some thought to how you are going to spend the waiting hours. Imagine you arrive at 5 a.m. at your destination but check-in isn’t until 3 p.m. What do you do during those hours? A vacationer wants to maximize those long hours in between to have a memorable travel experience, right? If you are like me, you can’t wait to see interesting places in the new city. But wait, you have luggage that can hinder getting around easily, and need to secure it before getting started. Usually, the hotel can secure your luggage. What if it is a distance you aren’t ready for yet and you’d much rather get started exploring? Having access to secure locker facilities with a PIN is great. Bravo! Luggage storage problems are solved! So, how to…

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bonding over our bonfire on new year's eve

Bonding over a raging New Year’s Eve bonfire! And what a bonfire! Wild camping or should I say beach camping eating and chatting with amazing folks! What’s not to love? The beach is still a popular travel destination more than ever as restrictions are lifted and the world opens up. Beach lovers, say aye! There was music, singing, dancing, and fun games.  This little guy, Emmanuel beat me at a board game. Ouch! He’s quite skilled. Who knew? Not me. So, I lost. Getting to know Philldel, another smart kid was a pleasure too and I think what a blessing to have these special moments. Moments later, two riders on horseback appeared and stopped to chat, drawn by the bonfire. I thought their horses were elegant. The horses are still up at this hour. What? I watched as one of them led his horse into the water, pretending, they were…

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a walk along the Butre beach

Cape Three Points has to be Ghana’s best hidden yet striking getaway destination. It is a dream location for the off-grid enthusiast, a backpacker’s haven, and perfect for escaping the pressures of city life. So, we made plans to explore Butre beach as well, on our way to the scenic Cape Three Points, located in the Western region. Butre village because a housemate wouldn’t stop about how serene, calm and undisturbed Butre beach is.  Serene and calm is great. We set off from Osu to Takoradi. The only way to get to Cape Three Points from Takoradi is to drive. Taxis and Tro-tros are available at Agona, another suburb close to Takoradi.  I would suggest making firm arrangements to drive to your accommodation if you plan to spend the night like we did, so you do not have to walk from the last taxi stop in the village. The long…

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Out of Akosombo and fond memories! The training venue was the Volta Hotel, less than two hours drive, from Accra, Ghana’s capital if traffic is light. Bags packed, we all looked forward to the travel experience especially as it meant being out of busy Accra for a few days. Besides, road trips can be such fun, yes? Images from the lake Checking in took a bit of time. Why did it take so long? They knew we were coming, right? Soon, it was dinner and surprise, it was the eat- all- you- can kind. A delightful spread to choose from. The food was consistently good all through our stay. The lake across was attention grabbing; not to mention the scenic landscape and majestic mountains. Finally, we all got our rooms. Nice and clean with luxurious sheets, waiting was not so bad after all. Seeing the drinking glasses wrapped in cling-film…

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Nelly’s dad was quite fond of saying, “don’t drive a willing horse to death.” Huh!? It didn’t make much sense to her. It did however, the older and wiser she got. At one time or another, we might have seen a horse handler breaking a horse or putting it under saddle. At first, it is tough. Eventually, the animal is ready and serves the owner on a farm or on the field. With a saddle safely in place, one can ride safely on the horse. But I digress. Now, the horse is malleable and willing, but you want to watch that you don’t ride it to exhaustion and death. There’s such a thing as a good thing being too much. That’s what Nelly’s dad meant by the expression. horse Like we see in the story of the prophet and a donkey, even a beast of burden has its breaking point.…

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Silver lining, is a phrase to describe a situation in which good can occur in harsh circumstances. Venue is Accra Mall. A couple of women entrepreneurs meet up for an excursion to Blue Skies. Yes, the famed company noted for making mouth-watering gelatos that people are nuts about. What’s not to love about this trip! Except it gets cancelled and at such short notice too. Sigh! That was difficult to understand. We had to make the most of the day and soon introduce one another over coffee at one of the mall’s cafés. We share business experiences. Naturally! We also discuss product packaging and visit packaging factories in the city. It was a good learning and networking experience. Some factories impress with huge machinery in well-maintained, clean spaces, with boxes and bags neatly put away on shelves. Others, not quite. Who dropped the ball? I met Aku-Shika. She is the…

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Find your Ikigai [ee-key-guy] and live long and happy. Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles share inspiring perspectives on finding your Ikigai and living happier in their bestseller titled Ikigai; The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life. Ikigai is from the Japanese word meaning a reason to live. It is what makes you look forward to getting up in the morning because you are excited to start the day. You have found purpose and it could be more than one, but they kind of fit together. Find your ikigai and live a long and happy life. FIND YOUR IKIGAI AND LIVE LONG Finding your Ikigai requires a patient search. Garcia and Miralles affirm that we are happiest when we know what to do, know how to do it, and know how well we are doing. The happiness that comes from finding and persistently pursuing purpose keeps us alive longer.…

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  Deshun Wang, is the 79-year-old, who walked the runway with younger models. He is dubbed, the hottest grandpa in the world.  He had to have had the posture and confidence to achieve this. No? Ernestine Shepherd at 81 was a famous bodybuilder. Amazing to learn that she did not begin exercising until she was 56. Should it matter when one starts, as much as that one starts? Daphne Selfe, was still going strong, modelling at age 90, saying that eating well, smiling and pushing herself, are her motivations and retiring is not for her. She’s my girl. To stay healthy, beautiful and motivated for so long is no easy feat I imagine. Heck, some folks just about give up long before and convince themselves that it is their right to do so too. How can we be fierce and inspired like the triad above? Celebrating one another, I think.…

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reduce, reuse, recycle

Do you want to know what sustainability is? Do you want to get better results with living sustainably and building green brands? Then you are welcome to continue reading. Let’s get right to it, shall we?  What is sustainability in simple terms? In simple words, sustainability is preserving, conserving, reclaiming, and limiting waste and pollution. Someone wisely said, we thrash broken things far too quickly forgetting that it took a lot of time and effort to create. Oops! However, I would find that balance between keeping and cluttering. Or else that cushy and leisurely space can quickly become a nest for creepy bugs after storing so many items for recycling. No? Er, okay, bugs have rights! But you get the picture hopefully!  Where can you recycle, reduce and re-purpose safely? Did you read about the team trying to capture water vapor in order to turn it into liquid yet? Cool…

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