Planning the Perfect Trip? Here Are 4 Proven Steps
Planning that perfect trip can be a fun, and rewarding experience too if everything goes as planned and there are no nasty surprises. A nasty surprise is finding out that a review is fake and a room had no window as the online photo suggested. The closed curtain when pulled back did not reveal a window. There was some construction work on the property. I could go on and on. But I think you get the point. Fake online reviews present a real challenge, don’t they? Most of us, depend on reviews to make buying decisions. The proven steps for planning the perfect dream vacation. Step 1. Watch out for vague descriptions and misleading imagery of holiday rentals. Fish-eye lens photography must be the “worst” as they often make an image look a lot nicer and more panoramic than in reality. Planning in a rush makes one miss these…
Let the “Golden Age of Travel” Begin
A new “Golden Age of Travel” according to Chris Nassetta, Hilton hotel chain CEO, is about to begin. I say amen, to that. The hospitality and travel industry suffered huge losses as a result of the pandemic. The Golden Age represents eras of prosperity and stability. It suggests periods of less toil and grief and more ease and abundance. There have been a few Golden Ages in history. Examples are the Golden Age of Literature when literature and the Arts flourished. There’s also the Golden Age of Flanders when cultural and economic activities blossomed. Also, worth mentioning is the Golden Age of Television, which was marked by a large number of live productions. And you can read about Africa’s involvement in the Golden Age here. I found it interesting. Maybe, you will too. Did you read it yet? Great! You want to keep that dream alive. Write the book, ask…
The Kernel That Wouldn’t!
The kernel that pops and becomes popcorn! Pleasure!! The grains that wouldn’t? Well, they risk the trash. The popping sounds, the leaping, and hopping in response to heat are interesting to see. Also, interesting is the fact that the kernels pop at different times and not all at once. Isn’t that sort of like life? We are ready at different times. Some attain goals quicker than others, don’t they? But no matter as long as we all get there, that’s okay. Right? The Kernel Fact! Popcorn kernel can leap up to 3 feet. The heat does get intense. Yikes! You want to keep the pot covered. To everything there is a season,A time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV Heat and pressure are uncomfortable for us humans and just like the grains, we’d rather hop off to where it is cooler and less stressful, yes? Also, notice how…
On the Willows!
“We hung our harps on the willows…” is a quote from the psalmist. Want to read the full verse here? What did they then do after they hung the harps? I know what one thing I would hang up. Actually, three things I’d hang up. On the willows! The first is television. I simply forget every other thing. Hours later, I see what tasks I’d complete if I wasn’t so engrossed in the tube. So, I would much rather read a book or go dancing. The second is clutter. They take up all that space in a room and in one’s head many times. I’d hang up clutter so that I can see my priorities better. It would serve me to pick up DIY, and self-education. Of course! harp Lastly, I’d hang up the “keeping up with the Joneses” game. You know, following the lemming if you will. Watching a…